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Orders placed Mon-Thur: Next Day Dispatch - Fri-Sun: Dispatch Following Monday | 28 Day Returns | Free UK Delivery over £50

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Refunds & Returns

Need to return an item you purchased online? There are a few ways you can do this, but you’ll need to return your item to us or our Approved Stockists within 28 days of receiving it.

If your item has arrived damaged, please contact our Customer Support team immediately, quoting your order number and detailing the problem with your items.

Items purchased from our Approved Stockists:

Items purchased from our stockists cannot be returned to Gallop Equestrian directly. For these items you must contact the stockist directly and provide proof of purchase.

Items purchased from Gallop Equestrian:

You can return items purchased online from us to our warehouse via post within 28 days of receipt as long as they’re accompanied with our returns form.

Return by post

When posting your items back to us, it’s important that you first authorise your return by contacting our Customer Support team. Returns postage is the customers' own expense. Once authorised, you may send the items to us. We ask that you package your item securely, and mark the package with your order number and full name, along with the returns form, and return it using a tracked delivery method to the below address:

Gallop Equestrian
Units 1 & 2 Brymill Industrial Estate
Brown Lion Street
West Midlands

Please ensure you retain proof of delivery as we cannot be held liable for items lost in transit.

Health and Safety

In accordance with legislation under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1972, we are unable to handle any horse clothing or equipment unless it is cleaned & dry, and free of horse hair. We will not accept returns of products if they are soiled.

Missing or damaged items

We take care to ensure all items arrive in perfect condition. If your order arrives damaged or incomplete, please contact our Customer Support team immediately, quoting your order number and detailing the problem with your items.

If you don’t receive your items within 7 working days of receiving a Dispatch Confirmation email, please contact our Customer Support team, quoting your order number, and we’ll investigate this for you.

Unfortunately, we can’t refund items that have been damaged after delivery due to misuse, wear and tear, or accidents.

Change of mind

Changed your mind about an item? You’ll need to return it in its original, unused condition and within 28 days of receipt.


You can cancel your order or items in your order before we dispatch them by contacting our Customer Support team.


Unfortunately, we’re unable to exchange any orders placed online. You’ll need to return your item in its original, unused condition using one of the return methods above and place a new order for the item you’d like.


Once your returned items have been received, your refund will be processed within 3-5 working days. Your refund will be processed via the same method of payment that you used to pay for your order.